Weekly Coworking Call Template#

A permanent document exists in the HackMD: https://hackmd.io/@malvikasharan/TW-coworking that is updated every Monday with the dates and times for the respective week.

The Turing Way online coworking hours#

What? The Turing Way is a lightly opinionated guide to reproducible data science and research. The Turing Way team hosts 1-hr long coworking calls each week for the community members to work together in real time.

Read more about it here: https://book.the-turing-way.org/community-handbook/coworking.html

Who? Everyone interested in reproducible, ethical, and inclusive data science and research are welcome to join the full or any part of The Turing Way project, community, and/or this call.*

  • If you are working from home and want to connect for The Turing Way co-working hour - sign up for a slot provided below for this week between 11:00 - 12:00 BST.

  • Join us with a task that you are already working on in The Turing Way, an idea that you want to discuss, a pull request that you want to review, or something you started in the past and struggling to finish.

  • If you want to get an orientation to the project as a new member or connect with the team members - this would be a good place too!

If you would like to join The Turing Way co-working hour - sign up for a slot provided for this week between 11:00 - 12:00 BST.

Host: Malvika Sharan (msharan@turing.ac.uk)

If you can’t join from the beginning of the hour, please let the host know by contacting on Gitter or via email.

Code of conduct#

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Schedule:




πŸ‘‹ Welcome

5 mins

Introductions and personal goal setting

20 mins

πŸ… 1st Pomodoro session

5 mins

β˜•οΈ Break and report out

20 mins

πŸ… 2nd Pomodoro session

5 mins

Open discussion and Close πŸ‘‹

This week/month, we will host coworking calls on the following days:#

Joining link:

Pomodoro clock for these calls: https://cuckoo.team/tw-coworking

Sign up below to indicate you will join on particular dates. Time is given in BST#

Please ping the host of this call on Gitter if you signed up but no longer can join

DD Month YYYY:#

Short notes from the call

Some PRs from the discussions

DD Month YYYY:#

Short notes from the call

Some PRs from the discussions